Celebrate for a great cause

Join the Boks, recipients and friends of the Chris Burger Petro Jackson Players Fund in a celebration of the great game of rugby and its real heroes!

A night of world-class entertainment, knowledgeable rugby conversation awaits – all in aid of a Fund which supports rugby players in South Africa who have suffered catastrophic injuries, resulting in them being permanently dependent on wheelchairs.

The theme of this event is that of Celebration, both of rugby and its heroes. A hero is admired for his courage and outstanding achievements. Whether current or past, our Springbok heroes remain immortalised by what they have done for the sport. This year, the Players’ Fund banquet will celebrate these heroes, the camaraderie, the friendships and the bonds forged in and around the game that remains so close to the hearts of many South Africans. We’ll hear from past and current Springbok heroes as they give us the inside scoop of the tour-bus banter, the on-field chirps and find out what the sport means to those who have dedicated their lives to it.

On Tuesday 5 August 2014 the full Springbok squad and their management team will be at Montecasino – backing the Players’ Fund which has been supporting victims of serious head, neck and spinal cord injuries for 34 years. The Fund was founded in 1980 by its current Chairman and past Springbok player and team manager – Morné du Plessis and his fellow Western Province team mates. Since its inception, the Fund has become a household name and this annual event has become the highlight of the rugby social calendar. If you support the Springboks, join them as they support the Fund and the fallen heroes of the game.

Entertainment on the night includes live performances from The Muses, Swing City, live interviews with past and current Springbok players and a key note address from Ashwin Willemse.

You can also pledge your support by SMSing “My hero” followed by the name of your all time Springbok hero followed by your own name to 40776. R20/SMS (Network and Admin fees apply). All proceeds will be donated to the Chris Burger Petro Jackson Players’ Fund.

On the night of the banquet, engage with the @playersfundsa on Twitter and you could stand a chance to win two tickets to the Boks vs Australia  Test match in Cape Town on 27 September. Just Retweet one of their Tweets on the night and that gets you into the draw!

Event details:

For the Love of the Game Banquet

Tuesday 5 August 2014, 18h30

Montecasino Ballroom, Johannesburg

Price per table of 10 which includes one current Springbok + 9 guests: R15 000.00 (incl. VAT)

TO BOOK: email: events@playersfund.org.za, or phone 021 659 5615